Showing posts with label Lauren Cantet. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Lauren Cantet. Show all posts

Saturday, May 24, 2008

Cannes, último día de competencia

Giovanna Mezzogiorno

Giovanna Mezzogiorno

Hoy se agotó el último día de exhibiciones de la sección oficial con las dos últimas películas en competencia, The Palermo Shooting y Entre Les Murs.

The Palermo Shooting es la novena película que Wim Wenders trae a Cannes, habiendo ganado la Palma de Oro en el 84 por Paris, Texas.


Wenders junto a sus protagonistas Milla Jovovich, Campino, Wim Wenders, Giovanna Mezzogiorno y Dennis Hopper

Lamentablemente, la recepción ha sido casi unánimamente negativa:

"Wim Wenders muses on love, death and his perennial bugbear, the 'Crisis of the Image' in The Palermo Shooting, a metaphysical thriller cum philosophical essay that marks another step on the downwards slope for this once-vital film-maker. Unwisely cast, leadenly written and ultimately farcical in its earnestness, The Palermo Shooting is a glossy travelogue-thriller with metaphysical pretentions, and one of the low points of this year's Cannes Competition. Unlikely to fare well in the market, the film may also find festivals preferring to tactfully take a rain check." -- Screendaily.

The Hollywood Reporter considera que la última buena película del otrora infalible Wenders fue el documental Buena Vista Social Club, y The Palermo Shooting representa el punto más bajo de una carrera brillante:

"Wenders has reached a new low with "Palermo Shooting," a film of startling and embarrassing banality and, yes, even silliness. One is hard-pressed to imagine any commercial future whatsoever for this film, and a pick-up by a U.S. distribution company seems virtually impossible." -- The Hollywood Reporter.


François Bégaudeau y Lauren Cantet.

Al leer la sinopsis de Entre Les Murs [o The Class, como se ha llamado en inglés] del francés Lauren Cantet, no se puede evitar pensar en el cliché Hollywoodense del profesor que inspira a sus estudiantes con sus métodos fuera de lo común, desafiando los convencionalismos.

Ejemplos hay por montones - Stand And Deliver, Dead Poets Society, Dangerous Minds, y hasta fuera de Hollywood también, como la popular Les Choristes.

Protagonizada por François Bégaudeau y adaptada por él mismo de su propia novela, parece que explorando terrenos descubiertos, Bégaudeau y Cantet han logrado dar un novedoso giro a esta historia tan repetida.

A modo de cuasi-documental y sin actores profesionales, Entre Les Murs se ha convertido de la nada en una de las favoritas para ganar la Palma:

EntreLesMurs "A fully sustained immersion in the academics, attitudes and frequent altercations of a group of junior high school students, "The Class" marks Laurent Cantet's return to the sharply observed social dynamics and involving character drama that distinguished his 1999 debut, "Human Resources." Talky in the best sense, the film exhilarates with its lively, authentic classroom banter while its emotional undercurrents build steadily but almost imperceptibly over a swift 129 minutes. One of the most substantive and purely entertaining movies in competition at Cannes this year, it will further cement Cantet's sterling reputation among discerning arthouse auds in France and overseas." -- Variety.

"Everything rings absolutely true in this film, and everything is utterly engrossing from start to finish, despite the apparent lack of a straightforward narrative during the first hour. At the end, in a delightfully unexpected allusion to Plato’s ‘Republic’, the filmmakers drop a hint as to what they’ve been up to; there are no easy answers proffered to the various questions raised about education, schools and society, but the film makes for admirably lucid, subtle and thought-provoking drama throughout. And the kids are terrific." -- Timeout.

Palma de Oro

Ya sólo queda esperar por la ceremonia de cierre y premiaciones el día de mañana a las 19:30hs [12:30 ET].

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